
Digging for Britain

I have received the following email from Gemma Hagen in the BBC that may be of interest to some of you. Please, ignore the exaggerated tone of triumph. It may be a great opportunity for a young archaeologist to advertise his/ her project. “Great news! We will be making series two of Digging for Britain. We hope to start filming in early 2011. I’m delighted to say that the whole of Digging for Britain has been a success and rated really well with our audience. The final viewing figures for ... »

Dress like an Ancient Historian: Tips

Ancient historians occasionally become concerned about their image. Stress levels rise every time a scholar needs to pick the perfect outfit for a job interview or the occasional lecture. Some of us are even concerned about our every day clothes. I often catch myself thinking, what do I wear today for my Staff and Student Committee meeting? O vanitas vanitatum! When in such a dilemma, I look for advice. Or, alternatively, I follow the fashion sense of my role models. These are not Givanchy, Vale... »