
The end of democracy in modern Athens

Yesterday I witnessed the Greek protests in Constitution (Syntagma) square in the center of Athens. The square took its name from the chants of protesters during the uprising of the 3rd September 1843. Back then, the Greek people forced their Bavarian king, Otto, to abide by a constitution. Back then, my country was a protectorate of England, France and Russia. Today, Greece is a protectorate of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. As in 1843, Greek people today are asking for... »

Obama celebrates Greekness

The following Obama speech has been brought to my attention. It looks like the US President decided to celebrate the Day of Greek Independence (25th of March) with the following proclamation. As for his views on the USA continuing the Greek democratic traditions, I will let the readers of this blog to comment! Hey, I just realised I could write an article on the topic! “One hundred ninety years ago, Greece regained its independence and became a symbol of democracy for the world for the sec... »