
Morality of Money in Ancient Greece and Rome

Morality of Money in Ancient Greece and Rome

How many times have you used terms loaded with moral judgement when you mention money? How many of you think that money is ‘evil’ or that debt is ‘disgraceful’? How many of you watched Benefits Street in 2014 and argued with disdain that you would never end up in this position? For those of you who do not watch tv, Benefits Street was a documentary series broadcast in Channel 4. It showed benefits claimants committing crimes, thieving and cheating. It was so successful (despite the opposition) t... »

The Syrian closed currency system in the Roman empire

“Most researchers believe that Egypt was the only closed currency system in the Roman world, e.g. a system in which the fluctuation of currency is restricted due to strict governmental control. In actual fact, there is another well developed closed currency system in the east, the provinces of wider Syria. The local silver coinage, the tetradrachm, was used exclusively in the markets of the Syrian cities. Their complete absence from excavations in neighbouring Asia Minor and Cyprus is prom... »

The Roman Monetary System

Because of radical changes in my life, it has been almost a month since I posted anything in my blog. My fighting spirit seems to be returning with a vengeance and I am preparing myself for several worthwhile debates. One piece of news that may interest you is the publication of my monograph on The Roman Monetary System. The book has been published by Cambridge University Press in February but I had a chance to look at it only last week. The description at the back of the cover seems to be accur... »