Archives / 2011 / March

Obama celebrates Greekness

The following Obama speech has been brought to my attention. It looks like the US President decided to celebrate the Day of Greek Independence (25th of March) with the following proclamation. As for his views on the USA continuing the Greek democratic traditions, I will let the readers of this blog to comment! Hey, I just realised I could write an article on the topic! “One hundred ninety years ago, Greece regained its independence and became a symbol of democracy for the world for the sec... »

Roman Baths at Carsulae (Italy): Field School

“The field school at the Roman baths at Carsulae will commence its seventh season this summer, and applications for students and volunteers are still being accepted. The Roman city of Carsulae was founded along the via Flaminia, when that road was cut through Umbria in the late third century BC. Located near the town of San Gemini, the area has been associated with healing waters since Umbrian times. The Roman baths, which lie at the threshold of southern entrance to the city, were excavat... »

Archaeological Films on Classical Greece

“The 12th International Meeting of Archaeological Films is taking place in Belgrade (Serbia) on March 30th. Honoured guest this year is Mexico. The following countries participate this year: Belgium, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, FYROM, China and Serbia. The Greeks participate with 2 movies, “The Temple of Artemis Agrotera” and “Diolkos for 1500 years”. The theme of the first movie is about the relationship of the Greek authorities with the arch... »

Quotation of the Week 32

“In examinations those who do not wish to know ask questions of those who cannot tell.” Walter Raleigh, Laughter from a Cloud, ‘Some thoughts on examinations’, 1923. »

The Roman Monetary System

Because of radical changes in my life, it has been almost a month since I posted anything in my blog. My fighting spirit seems to be returning with a vengeance and I am preparing myself for several worthwhile debates. One piece of news that may interest you is the publication of my monograph on The Roman Monetary System. The book has been published by Cambridge University Press in February but I had a chance to look at it only last week. The description at the back of the cover seems to be accur... »