Post Augustum: NEW Roman Empire and Late Antiquity Journal

I would like to bring to your attention a new platform, Post Augustum, which is dedicated to the history of the Mediterranean World during the first Christian centuries, edited by a team of historians who specialise in the period. The platform aims to provide a constant update with articles, research, book reviews, news form the Greek and International Academia, and quotes from original sources.
The platform includes the Post Augustum Journal, which aims at promoting the study of the ancient world, especially the study of the Mediterranean in the first Christian centuries, and at attracting the attention of scholars, students and the general public with an interest in the field. It hosts original articles and book reviews, either in Greek or in English. It is an OPEN ACCESS Journal and it is published in electronic form annually.
Very important role in the philosophy of Post Augustum plays the idea that the work of the historian has two aspects, namely historical research and continuous contact with modern society. On the basis of this approach, the editorial team of Post Augustum aims to promote original research and, at the same time, to reach a larger audience, establishing a scientifically valid and hospitable place of communication and conversation.
Check the platform out hereĀ