Greek default

Greek Austerity or Greek Default?

Greek Austerity or Greek Default?

Greece, a country with the longest democratic tradition in the world, announced a referendum. The Greek people are called to decide, whether they accept a new austerity program or not. The decision is a difficult one, not least because most of the population does not hold a PhD in economics. Well I do! And I can assure you that I also find the longwinded documents perplexing. Let me see what evidence I have in my hands. The new austerity measures follow the same recipe that created the Greek cri... »

A comparison of the economic crisis of Greece in the 3rd century AD and today

A comparison of the economic crisis of Greece in the 3rd century AD and today

  When I published my monograph on the Roman Monetary System in 2012 I was accused that I did not tackle adequately the third century crisis. This was the most long lasting crisis in the Roman Empire that eventually led to an entirely new political, economic and social system in Late Antiquity. When I published my monograph on the Roman Monetary System in 2012 I was accused that I did not tackle adequately the third century crisis. This was the most long lasting crisis in the Roman Empire t... »