
Profile ohoto

 Dr. Constantina Katsari

I am a professional historian and entrepreneur who has been in the business of writing history, since I remember myself. In origin, I am Greek. At heart, I am European. I divide my time between the UK and Greece; living in the Midlands for some of the year and by the Mediterranean Sea for the rest. I enjoy researching and sharing the knowledge I acquire. I love the smell of books, almost as much as I love the smell of the fresh grass and the invigorating sea. History runs in my veins, as much as blood runs in the veins of other people.


I finished my BA in Archaeology and History of Art at the University of Athens, while I was specialising on numismatics at the National Foundation of Research. Immediately afterwards I left for the University of London where I completed my PhD in the Monetary Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean. Then, I left for a lectureship in the National University of Ireland, Galway, where I stayed for several years. I completed two postdocs, one at the University of Exeter and another one in Galway. While I was building my publication record, I got a permanent lectureship at the University of Leicester, where I stayed for eight years. In 2008 I received the Humboldt for Experienced Researchers Award, which allowed me to stay in Berlin for 18 months at the Deutches Archaeologisches Institut.


After a long and successful career in academia, I decided to leave and pursuit other options. I am an award winning author of dozens of books and articles, a public speaker and a Senior Business Adviser at Coventry University. As I have a good head for business, I spend some of my time developing tech startups and finding investors. I currently run Startdoms Accelerator in the Midlands and the Code Breaker School , a social enterprise that teaches children how to code in collaboration with the University of Leicester. If you are interested to learn more about my academic work, check out my full list of Publications.


This blog is my way of commenting on current events while I bring history alive. I use the Comparative Perspective (Ancient and Modern) to find common ground between events that happened in the past and these that we experience today. I am happy to host similar articles in this blog. If you would like to contribute, send me an email at constantina@startdoms.com . I will be happy to host your work!


Amorium monetary system Economy Roman Asia Minor Slave systems captivity-freedom


  1. I am honored to have you following me on Twitter. I hope I do you proud, but I’m an eclectic kind of guy…

    • The honour is all mine!

  2. Stunning content and loads of it!! very nice site to visit. Thanks very much for all of this and keep up the great work..

  3. As Carl alludes to, I too am very grateful to have you as a follower on Twitter. I’m also glad to meet someone who is interested in ancient civilisations, not just Egypt and Rome, but especially Greece. Greek history seems, today, to get less interest and air-time than Egyptian or Roman history but that is very wrong. My home city of Edinburgh has a lot of Greek iconography and I hope we do it justice. Thank you for a wonderful site.

  4. Your blog is very cool, and what an impressive academic record! I would be delighted if you visited and followed my recently created blog at http://publishistory.wordpress.com/ It contains history articles on a variety of subjects written by myself and friends from university! I would more than welcome any feedback from you :)

  5. Your post on Syriza is surely enlightening!