

Finally, activists aim at creating an Open Source platform that will include photos and information of all the antiquities that have been stolen. Wikiloot will be the name of the new crowdsourcing platform, a new experiment on data mining. Its creator seems to be Jason Felch, the co-writer of Chasing Aphrodite, the story of the stolen statue of Aphrodite and its return to its native island of Sicily.Felch and his team are trying to raise the necessary funding for the creation of the platform. Fo... »

Stolen small objects from Olympia

This is a list of the vases, figurines and other small objects that were stolen from the Old Museum at Olympia. Here I include a golden Mycenaean ring with the representation of tavrokathapsia. »

Animal figurines from Olympia

A list of other figurines stolen from Olympia features here. »

Wheels stolen from Olympia

Here you will find photos of the bronze figurines (wheels) stolen from the Old Museum at Olympia. »

Stolen antiquities from the Olympia museum

A few days ago robbers attacked one of the security guard of the Old Museum at Olympia and have stolen dozens of small bronze figurines, ceramic vases and other small artefacts. According to reports, they initially aimed at stealing a collection of gold artefacts but these were no longer hosted in the museum. The police, finally, released a list of these items. I present here the photos. If you want more information on any one of them, contact me and I will see what I can do. Lamps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5... »

Archaeologists in Greece are fired

The debt crisis is wreaking havoc in the Archaeological Service in Greece, According to reports, a large number of senior archaeologists will be forced to retire this year. The consequences will be dire for many ongoing projects. On the whole 95 archaeologists are being removed, thus reducing the total number to 890. This action happened on top of the cancellation of all six-month contracts of junior archaeologists. Among them is Lilian Acheilara, the director of the Sixteenth Ephorate of Classi... »

Illicit trade of antiquities in Libya

“London (CNN) — The looting of a large collection of priceless coins, statues and jewelry from a bank vault during Libya’s recent civil war has highlighted the risk of looting during times of conflict. Interpol is hunting for the hoard of Roman and Hellenistic objects — dubbed the “Benghazi Treasure” –stolen from the city’s Commercial Bank in May 2011. But the theft is not an isolated incident. According to UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General... »

The tomb of St Philip

Italian archaeologists who have been digging at Pamukkale in northwestern Turkey announced that they found the grave of St Philip, one of Christ’s apostles. Responsible for the excavations is the Italian archaeologist Francesco d’ Adria. He explained that the tomb was found close to a church in ancient Hierapolis, where Philip died while he was preaching in Roman Asia Minor. The archaeologists have not yet opened the grave. Therefore we should just sit and wait until they present evi... »

Roman Baths at Carsulae (Italy): Field School

“The field school at the Roman baths at Carsulae will commence its seventh season this summer, and applications for students and volunteers are still being accepted. The Roman city of Carsulae was founded along the via Flaminia, when that road was cut through Umbria in the late third century BC. Located near the town of San Gemini, the area has been associated with healing waters since Umbrian times. The Roman baths, which lie at the threshold of southern entrance to the city, were excavat... »

Archaeological Films on Classical Greece

“The 12th International Meeting of Archaeological Films is taking place in Belgrade (Serbia) on March 30th. Honoured guest this year is Mexico. The following countries participate this year: Belgium, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, FYROM, China and Serbia. The Greeks participate with 2 movies, “The Temple of Artemis Agrotera” and “Diolkos for 1500 years”. The theme of the first movie is about the relationship of the Greek authorities with the arch... »

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