Stolen small objects from Olympia
This is a list of the vases, figurines and other small objects that were stolen from the Old Museum at Olympia. Here I include a golden Mycenaean ring with the representation of tavrokathapsia. »
This is a list of the vases, figurines and other small objects that were stolen from the Old Museum at Olympia. Here I include a golden Mycenaean ring with the representation of tavrokathapsia. »
A list of other figurines stolen from Olympia features here. »
Here you will find photos of the bronze figurines (wheels) stolen from the Old Museum at Olympia. »
A few days ago robbers attacked one of the security guard of the Old Museum at Olympia and have stolen dozens of small bronze figurines, ceramic vases and other small artefacts. According to reports, they initially aimed at stealing a collection of gold artefacts but these were no longer hosted in the museum. The police, finally, released a list of these items. I present here the photos. If you wa... »
For the past couple of years I devoted most of my time in the promotion of ancient history and classical studies. I have always been proud of my classical heritage and that was one of the reasons I have chosen to dedicate myself to the study of the ancient world. I intend to continue publishing online as well as in the form of books or articles for as long as I shall live. I would like to apologis... »
Something is rotten in the State of Greece. This time the stench comes from the Foundation of the Hellenic World, which used to promote research on Greek civilisation outside the strict borders of the modern Greek state. This private Foundation (though heavily subsidised by the government) reached its peak a decade ago, when I received my postdoctoral fellowship from them. They funded my research ... »