
How to become a happy Academic

The majority of academics in several different countries keep complaining about the quality of their lives. In all fairness, being an academic is not a small feat. The constant demands on our free time (if any of it is left), the ever increasing number of publications we should produce, the intense effort to enhance the cognitive abilities of our students, the regular trips abroad and, last but no... »

Tips for Undergraduates: How to Read a Book

This week I have been contemplating my new administrative role in the department. I will leave behind me the Exchanges coordination for a while and I will get involved, instead, with the coordination of first year and second year undergraduate modules. Effectively, this means that I will also be responsible for guiding new students with their studies. Even if we have a very thick Handbook that exp... »

East End Artist and Greek Mythology

“An East London artist presents his first solo show on the theme of Greek Mythology at the Hellenic Centre in central London. Alan Osborne’s exhibition, Elysium in the modern world, uses geometrical and solid abstract forms to make historical events, stories and myths from the ancient Greek era come alive in a contemporary context. Greek Mythology is a theme that has been interpreted by reno... »

Quotation of the Week 24

Today on BBC Radio Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark, conjugated the verb “I am principled”: I am principled You are stubborn They are bigoted I think that the above has immense historical value, especially if you are studying the History of Ideas. »

Ancient History Competition 30

Manolis decided not to go on holidays. Instead, he is toiling over the Ancient History Competition. In 797 AD Byzantine emperor Constantine the 6th was blinded at the instigation of his own mother, empress Irene. She was probably just following the example of this 4th century BC queen: she and her son-in-law were responsible for the murder of her son AND she also plotted to klll her husband. Who w... »

Italians Legalise Illegal Antiquities

A few days ago I received a desperate message from a friend who also happens to be an Italian Archaeologist working in Greece. According to the message, next week the Italian Parliament will approve of a law that will legalise the illegal ownership of antiquities. Effectively, if a pot or statue or coin has been found in the course of an illegal excavation and then sold to the market, the owner of... »

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