Death of Classics in the Subject Center

Recently, Prof. Catherine Steel announced the end of Classics in the Subject Center. I include here the announcement and I am looking forward to learning more about the new intiative.

“As many of you may already know, the Higher Education Academy is engaged in
reshaping itself in the face of substantial funding cuts. One part of this
process is the decision, reached recently by the HEA’s Executive Board, to
bring to an end the current distributed network of Subject Centres and
concentrate its work in York. Funding for Classics, as part of the History
Classics and Archaeology subject centre, is guaranteed only until July 2011.
There may be some transitional funding available in 2011-2012. Details of
this transitional funding remain to be announced by the HEA, but it is now
clear that Classics in the Subject Centre as we have known it over the past
decade or so, at the Open University, Durham University and now at the
University of Liverpool, will cease to exist.
As more information emerges on the ways in which the Higher Education
Academy will support disciplinarily-specific pedagogical initiatives, I will
communicate them with the subject community via the Classics lists.
Meanwhile, Classics in the Subject Centre continues its series of events
this academic year, and there will shortly be a call for Small Grants (up to
1k). For further details, please consult our website
(www. or contact the Academic Co-ordinator,
Dr. Sarah Francis (”

Economic historian and numismatic consultant

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